Hossein the fabric seller, before dying, bequeaths to Mr. Kamal, a pious and ascetic man, to accept the guardianship of his daughter Golrokh. Mr....
Resurrection of Love
Sakhre Siah
Twin brothers live two different lives as they are separated and given to different families after being born.
Nim Vajabi
Kakol Zari
After spending time in prison for killing his wife's lover, Reza is looking to settle down and find a good wife for himself and a mother for his...
A man whose company is on the verge of bankruptcy, after the escape of his partner after years of hard work and endurance, eventually his company...
Ajale Moallagh
When he takes a job as a schoolteacher in a new neighborhood, the hapless intellectual Mr. Hekmati finds that he is a fish out of water.
A man from the countryside, "Kaj Kolah-Khan," goes to Tehran to earn more money. "Javanshir," a seasoned thief, takes advantage of the resemblance...
Kaj Kolah-Khan