Shams is a young girl who resides in the local neighborhood of Ain Shams. The life of the family turns into a tragedy when they learn their young...
Eye of the Sun
Following the death of her husband, Amar is left to carry out her deceased husband’s dream of building a brick house with her five children....
Amar’s Hand
Ibrahim Toshkee, a non-talented who wants to become an actor. When he faces failure, he utilizes his wits into coning people, which leads him to many...
Please Call Me
Salma is a TV presenter who accidentally gets involved in the murder of a girl. Unable to move on, she consults a psychiatrist who turns out to be...
The End of the World
A comedy that revolves around a journalist who faces many problems because of his "Schizophrenia", as he tries hard to defeat the evil side of him.
Me Or Him
A man decides to kidnap a woman and lock her in his house because he loves her, and while she tries to find a way to escape from this prison that...
Crazy Incident