Kim Hyun-pil, an orphan, gets caught for picking pockets. At the police station, he causes trouble for the police. Detective Koh, takes sympathy on...
Pale Rainy Days
The film depicts the story of four people working in a sewing factory in Guro Industrial Complex in Seoul and the problems they face.
Kuro Arirang
The story of Ji-su who life was torn by two women in his life. One of them is his step-sister and the other is a barroom dancer named Kyung-ja.
Watercolors in Rain
Failing to enter the university of his choice, a young man is forced to enter a local college, but a series of disappointments causes him to give up...
Passion Portrait
In 1943, Yang Chunsoo, a descendant of a Koryo celadon maker, lives in a small village in the countryside, His younger son, Jongil, makes pottery...