O mužoch, ženách a deťoch
Vítězný lid
Omyl doktora Moresiniho
Pavilón číslo 6
Poéma o svedomí
Beethoven na Slovensku
Tiene v raji
Mária Tudorová
Timon Aténsky
Stay on international pioneer camp in Bulgaria will take three children so much that he decides to still enjoy swimming - and missed the train. Two...
Three from the Sea
Sen o Krištofovi Kolumbusovi
Vzkriesenie Míny
Dievča s blankytnými očami
Minúta rozhodnutia
Citové cvičenia
Maťo Palica
Letec nad planétou
Podobizeň prvej lásky
Slávne dievčatko
Pod vládou ženy aj na svitaní
Princezná s jedným krídlom a jednou plutvou
Smrť sa volá Engelchen
Svetská krása
Ring voľný
The drama called I Love, You Love was made in 1980 but because of the absurd ideological ban, the film entered cinemas nine years later. Pišta...
I Love, You Love
Concentration camp commander Kraft finds out that prisoner Kominek is a former professional boxer. Overnight, the prisoner is made Kraft's exercise...
The Boxer and Death
Človek na moste
Duša spoločnosti
Ružová Anička
The drama of a man driven to crime by the mechanism of violence in an American prison. It is an indictment of American justice and the barbarically...
Television adaptation of Štefan Králik's play. A psychological drama from the interwar period, it depicts the story of a village...
Bulat Okudzhava's novella tells the evocative story of the old general Opochnin, a man who never betrayed morality and humanity. But at the end of...
Výstrel na Bonaparta
Dramatization of four classic one-act plays by J. G. Tajovský: "Hriech" (Sin, 1911), "Tma" (Darkness, 1912), "V službe" (In the Service,...
Stratený list
Svetlo na spodnej haluzi
Rodina Tjaeldovcov
After five years of hard work in America Juraj Hordubal (Anatoliy Kuznetsov) returns back home. He is looking forward to his wife Polana (Libuse...
A dramatic story about two friends - fisherman Richardus and municipal executioner Emil Targo takes place at the river Danube, in places that used to...
Majster kat
A film adaptation of the novelette of the same title written by Dominik Tatarka depicts the life of a young generation of artists that was formed in...
Miraculous Virgin
A group of children discover the new continent of the world, uninhabited by adults. Soon, many other children are joining them in that new paradise,...
The Seventh Continent
Mamselle Nitouche
Román o base
Kapitán Dabač
Niet inej cesty
Kráľ sa zabáva
„Malý omyl“
Divá kačka
Play mam'zelle Nitouche
Šuster, drž sa kopyta!
Monna Vanna
Nový systém
A tragicomedy about people who are able to make use of the war situation for their own benefit. The Gavora family of four leave their secure village...
Naši pred bránami
Suttonský duch
Koruna lásky a smrti
Hájnikova žena
Odsúdenie Paganiniho
Poslední parlamentári
The biographical story of Pavel Emanuel Dobšinský - a television film about the life and knowledge of a man who managed to stay true to...
Golden Horseshoe, Golden Pen, Golden Hair
Profesor na bielom koni
Hľadači svetla
Kamenný chlapec
Knieža liptovské
Núraddín Ali a Anísaldžalísa
Vysoká cena
Višňový sad
Dôsledne ukrývané dokumenty
Prvé lásky
Jubilejné spomienky
A television film based on a play by Ján Kákoš with the theme of Slovak National Uprising.
Záhradníkov pes
Ženský zákon
Recepty na šťastie
Two repatriated soldiers search for stability and love when they return home after the First World War.
Field Lilies
Čarovná čaša
Kováč Juraj
Falošný peniaz
Veselé panie z Windsoru
Zázračná ihla
Veľké šťastie
Two men of principle face each other. One is backed by a whole, however poor village, the other by the law. It is a conflict that reaches it's climax...
Night Riders
Do zbrane, kuruci
Vynes na horu svoj hrob
The son of a charcoal burner was once prophesied as a child to marry the daughter of a king. The king tries to prevent this by all means.
Plavčík a Vratko
Škola žien
Ako sa neoženiť
Mont Oriol
Trojklanný nerv
Zločin a pokánie
Ako dvaja našli šťastie
Zlaté vajíčko
Neďaleko do neba
Perhaps the most successful Slovak musical.
Na skle maľované
It is summer 1944. The war is far away from Slovak mountains for the time being. The head of forest management Borodác brings a new employee...
One Silver Piece
Putování Jana Amose
Obyčajné rozmery
Žakýlska Veronka
Seminárna práca
When a selfless king learns of a beautiful princess in a neighboring kingdom who callously turns down every suitor with an insult, he tries his luck...
King Thrushbeard
The Sultan awaits the arrival of his son, Prince Omar, who has brought up in a distant land. The master tailor and his assistances are making clothes...
The False Prince
It was autumn 1939, shortly after the attack on Poland by the German army. The military component of the Slovak State are allies of the Nazis, and...
Delius' opera as film.
A Village Romeo And Juliet
O Jankovi kľúčiarovi
Tak sa na mňa prilepila
Tri poviedky s Karolom Machatom
Mátohy rárohaté
A musical fairy tale about children's dreams using the works of painter Ondrej Zimka.
Painted on Wood
Traja svedkovia
O siedmich rokoch
Súkromná vojna
Prvá nadovšetky
Slnečné hodiny
Drevená figúrka
Mali ste mi to povedať
Exemplárny prípad
Letiace tiene
Navráťte sa k otcom svojim
Opojenie z premeny
Andersonvillský proces
Hlas toho tretieho
A Game Without Love
Krásna neznáma
Štyri strany sveta
Gábor Vlkolinský
Vojvodkyňa z Amalfi
V rannej hmle
Rozprávka o tichej krajine
Konečne bude mier!
Tri krát tri je deväť
Zasaženi bleskem
Skleníková Venuša
A directors autobiography about his debut during the rise of socialism.
Narozeniny režiséra Z. K.