The movie tells the story of Abigael Edades who returns to her Philippine hometown from her five-year stint as a nurse in Canada. Her town mates...
A 1998 Filipino romantic drama starring Judy Ann Santos and Gladys Reyes.
Kasal-Kasalan (Sakalan)
Set in an affluent, upper middle class village in the suburbs, “The Animals” chronicles a day in the life of Jake, Trina, and Alex, who...
The Animals
Melinda is a new substitute teacher at the Malawig Elementary School, located in a poor remote barrio. A young university graduate, her family...
Small Voices
Ahmad belongs to the Bangsamoro people. While many of his kind are bent on fighting, thinking that Mindanao is only for the Muslims, Ahmad prefers to...
New Moon
Bill and Clinton, are garbage collectors who struggle to finance their daily needs from their job; yet Clinton’s soft heart could not help but...
Ala Eh con Bisoy, Hale Hale Hoy!
Gregory bikes his way through the streets of Manila and transports film reels from one theater to another giving “extra service” to its...
A Filipina meets a man in hiding.
Walang Iwanan... Peksman!
Alex, an NBI agent, is tasked with taking down a high-profile criminal. Anna is a heiress who runs away from home after several threats in her life....
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