Samej mi je smutno
Pani Berta Garlanová
In the 1990s post-communist Slovakia, former woods worker Miki takes his chances to start doing business at a local level and climb up the ladder to...
Sen o Krištofovi Kolumbusovi
Majka "Chatterbox" is a girl entering adolescence. She was born with a minor disability. While her mother keeps scolding her for the way she walks,...
And I'll Run to the Ends of the Earth
Právo na minulosť
A sociological drama with a detective plot taking place in the period of industry and agriculture collectivization of the 1950s. Peter Lánik,...
I Judge You by Love
Blúznenie srdca a rozumu
Nikto mi to nevyhovorí
Zbojnícky tanec
Strieborný jaguár
Obhajoba sa nekoná
Iní, ako ty a ja
Karol Ketzer
Horúci dych
Život je sen
Sú veci, o ktorých sa nehovorí
Perhaps the most successful Slovak musical.
Na skle maľované
Hlavolam pre Mocninu
Malý pán Friedemann
Second Love
Polnočná omša
Chuť leta
Koleso osudu
Zázračný nos
Pani Dokonalá
In one fairytale land, people lived contentedly for many years, they had their usual joys and worries, they enjoyed the surrounding nature, the...
The Magic Stone
Vianoce Adama Boronču
Obyčajný deň
It is summer 1944. The war is far away from Slovak mountains for the time being. The head of forest management Borodác brings a new employee...
One Silver Piece
Súkromná vojna
Zločin Arthura Savila
Posledný cocktail
Navráťte sa k otcom svojim
Chlapec do náručia
Ako sa Vinco zaťal
Ako Juliana zachraňovala hádankovú ríšu
A Game Without Love
Krásna neznáma
Konečne bude mier!
Miki Černák, a boy from Telgárt, became a respected boss of a mafia group. But it is not enough for Černák. He wants...
Čarovné jablko